Just because it's winter, doesn't mean you won't be using your riding lawn mower. Whether hauling wood or clearing the drive with the snow thrower attachment, your machine can be a vital asset to winter home maintenance. But with snow and ice on the ground, it becomes more difficult to use your riding lawn mower. Cub Cadet tire chains can provide stability and traction for your equipment, allowing you to use your riding lawn mower all year long.
The experts at Cub Cadet have put together a video to show you how to assemble riding lawn mower tire chains on your machine. Before you begin, check your operator's manual for instructions. The instructions may vary slightly depending on your riding lawn mower model.
Step 1: Prepare your riding mower for maintenance. Place your mower on a flat, level surface. Turn the mower off and make sure the engine is cool. Remove the ignition key, disconnect the spark plug ignition wire, and engage the parking brake. This helps ensure the machine doesn't start accidentally and cause you or those around you harm.
Step 2: Note, the instructions reference side chains, cross chains, a C-hook and locking link. Before you begin, get familiar with your Cub Cadet tire chains.
Step 3: Lay the Cub Cadet tire chain flat on the ground. The open sides of the cross chain hooks should be facing up. Make sure the C-hook is on the inside edge of the tire, and that there are no twists in the chain.
Step 4: To ensure a snug fit deflate the tires 3 to 4 PSI.
Step 5: Position the chain over the top of the tire, making sure it is centered.
Step 6: Verify the cross hooks are facing up.
Step 7: Push the riding mower forward over the chain.
Step 8: Connect the C-hook and locking link.
Step 9: Adjust the inside and outside links equally until the tire chain is snug.
Step 10: Use cable tie to secure any loose links.
Step 11: Re-inflate the riding mower tires to the proper PSI.

Always use genuine OEM replacement parts when servicing your equipment. Use our parts finder to locate and order any replacement parts you may need for maintenance. Refer to your owner's manual for additional maintenance information.